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A tool for self-realization : Alaiyo Waistbeads


Self Realization is the key to growth. This year, one resolution I made for myself was to be more present.  But, I honestly didn’t know how I would go about completing this resolution. Was I to be more social with others? Appreciate my wins or losses? Or, get closer to god? Like any resolution, many of us make them but never follow through.

You’ve probably read the first few lines and thought, “what the hell does this have to do with waist beads, Gerena?” You see, I live life pretty fast-paced i.e. I am always plotting and planning the next move. Because of this, I rarely take the time to appreciate the now, whether good or bad. Fortunately, after being introduced to waist beads I have been able to experience life differently, but I am not sure if it’s something I’m liking.

Here’s the thing waist beads have many uses including adornment, attraction (partner, resource, energy), weight management, body/posture awareness and correction, and energetic shift through intention. At Alaiyo, the founder and maker of the beads, Jasai, intends to use them as a tool for mindfulness; acting as a reminder towards presence.



Price: $15 to $98

Options: More than 200 strands

Beads worn: By the Seashore

About : “Alaiyo strands are all inspired by nature. As a result, they hold a vibration that solicits the manifesting power of the Mother and all of her forces. This vibration helps remind and navigate us towards getting our needs met. Certain colors call forth and support certain energies.”


My Experience:

Ordinarily, I’d give you an in-depth review of the product but the Alaiyo waistbeads are an experience. They become part of you. You think that you are using the beads for adornment, or for balance but the truth is the beads are using you.

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My experience began with a conversation with Jasai about my current state of mind. These questions included: what were my current goals, how did I feel in that moment, and what colors was I currently drawn to at that time. At the end of our conversation, I was presented with two options: choose a strand from the site or have a strand specifically tailored to my needs. 

To my surprise, the Alaiyo website was not only an e-commerce site but also filled with valuable information on the chakras. I had been doing some research on energies and chakra balancing, so, this information was perfect for me. If you’re new to the world of chakras, the website provides a color guide that gives information on the color associated with each chakra point. You can view the color guide here

As it relates to the colors that I had been drawn to I learned that:

  • Red is the color of the Root chakra. These strands are ideal for cultivating energies of perseverance, release, stability, action, trust, confidence, and sharp perception.

  • Yellow represents the solar plexus. The solar plexus is the location of our personal power, projection, and joy.

  • Orange is tied to the sacral chakra. The sacral chakra is the place where we become present in and to our bodies and play easily with exploration.

  • Blue represents the throat chakra. The throat chakra filters expression and allows us to bring our inner experiences and dreams outward through speech.

  • Green is tied to the heart chakra. The heart chakra is the fountain of abundance in all areas; allowing for new growth, connection, compassion and love. It is also the filter between the lower and upper energetic centers; dispatcher of physical, emotional, and intellectual information, creating sync and balance in our minds, bodies and energetic fields.

On exploring the website, I was most drawn to the ‘By the Seashore’ strand. This strand has yellow, blue, white, orange, green and gold beads. The description contained a quote by Charlotte Eriksson stating, “I want to go back to the way nature shaped me. I want to learn to go on well with whatever I have in my hands at the moment, in a natural state of mind, certain like the sea.” Stunned for the moment by the quote, I was certain that this was the strand that I needed to have.

Jasai requires that you provide your waist size for perfect fit of the strand. I provided my waist size based on my pant size. When I received the strand, I quickly realized that I had gained more weight around my waist than I had bargained for. If you know me, then you’ll know that I am a petite individual. Despite that fact, whenever I begin to gain any weight my tummy takes the burden *rolls eyes*. Luckily, Jasai makes the strands two inches longer than the length provided.

The First week: Tying the strand was quite easy but if you are unsure of what you should do, there is a video on the website that gives a step-by-step tutorial. At first, I was fascinated that I would be wearing some very cute beads around my waist. But the fascination wore off quite quickly when a feeling of constraint came over me. Y’AAAAAALLLLLL!! When I tell you I was very uncomfortable with these beads around my waist; I just couldn’t understand. It was hard for me to sleep for the first few days, and I might go as far to say exhale comfortably too (yes, I can be a bit dramatic).

Now, this isn’t a reflection of Alaiyo beads at all, I was/am the problem. The interesting thing about this initial experience is that I wear tight clothing and outfits that require a waist belt all the time. However, my mind and body were not adjusting. I decided to do some research on the site and discovered that the beads “sit between the second and third chakra in the center of the body. This is where the outward, engaging, creative center and the ego center meet. This is also the space in which we understand and express ourselves in the world and heal our personality.”

What did I understand?

I do not like to feel restricted physically or emotionally. Apparently, that's one of the traits of being a Sagittarius too. I absolutely love my freedom and whenever a situation threatens my freedom of expression, speech, or choice, I tend to rebel. But, this was not news to me. I began thinking what aspect of my life was being suffocated or suppressed? Who or what was attempting to suppress my expression?  I begrudgingly realized that I was holding myself back. 

There were aspects of my life that I considered making some changes too but had been dragging my feet. For instance, I needed to maintain a healthier diet and overall lifestyle. Wearing the beads immediately made me aware of the not so healthy weight I was gaining. I have since made attempts to eat out less, meal prep and workout a little more. Some change is better than no change, right? Additionally, on a spiritual/energetic level, I realized there was an imbalance. A few months ago, I developed the routine of daily devotions and meditations. The results from this routine were AH-MAZING, but then life happened and I lost track of that routine. Using the information from the website, I decided to meditate again since that was the only way I knew to be more mindful. Meditating has always been a struggle for me, however, this is a journey to growing and being a better person inside and out, and I'm here for all of it!

It has been about three months since I first tied the strands around my waist. The good news is that I became less aware that the beads were there. My by the seashore waistbeads are now a part of me; I am even considering getting another strand. Can you believe it?

What tool/s are you using to center yourself and be more aware of self and surroundings? Let me know in the comments below!


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Chief Blogger at Black Owned and Company.

 This blog is dedicated to inspiring millennial women to the incorporate products from black and other minority-owned businesses into their daily lives.


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